A window in your room showing you the magnificent scenery around the world through different seasons.
These beautiful framed photographs that I have shot through my life journey will instantly take you to a different world from home.
Cherry Blossom Drops
Print on silver 48 × 64 cm Kyoto, Japan
Early Morning in Ljubljana
Print on silver 48 × 64 cm Ljubljana, Slovenia
Farewell, Summer of Croatia
Print on silver 48 × 64 cm Zadar, Croatia
Dusk of Porto
Print on silver 64 × 48 cm Porto, Portugal
After the Rain at Quattro Canti
Print on silver 48 × 64 cm Palermo, Italy
Autumn at a Kyoto Zen Temple
Print on silver 64 × 48 cm Kyoto, Japan
The Wet Alleys of Bruges
Print on silver 64 × 48 cm Bruges, Belgium
Rows of Gondolas in Venice
Print on silver 64 × 48 cm Venice, Italy
Holy Cow of Delhi
Print on silver 64 × 48 cm Delhi, India
Cliffs of Cuenca
Print on silver 48 × 64 cm Cuenca, Spain
Gran Via of Madrid
Print on silver 48 × 64 cm Madrid, Spain
◆ All photographs are treated with a backing sheet to prevent distortion due to humidity.
◆ Beautiful frames used at art galleries give the photographs depth.
◆ ACG's "Demiglass" prevents UV rays to pass through, preventing the decay of the photographs.
◆ Stronger than ordinary glasses, yet lightweight for ease of handling.
◆ Made in Japan
◆ 湿気で写真が波打たないよう、裏にバックシートを貼って補強する「裏打ち」加工を施していますので、長年楽しんで頂けます。
◆ 写真展や個展では定番の額縁が写真に奥行きを与えます。
◆ 表面材に紫外線をほとんど通さない、旭化成「デミグラス」採用。
◆ ガラスに比べて割れにくく、軽量で取り扱いも簡単です。
◆ 安心の日本製。